Empower Your Life FREE Training

Self Inventory

self inventory May 11, 2021
meditate, self

It is so incredibly important to check in with yourself often, and consciously, as you embark on or continue your self awareness journey! 

Well… we can all agree that we have a “home frequency," and as we know, our own personal vibration is permeated from INSIDE ourselves, not from external factors… It’s generated from our own choices, emotional experiences, and how we assign meaning to things, and how we translate stimuli as we navigate through life. Our home frequency (personal vibration) is our dominate emotional state we operate in daily… 

So, why is this important?

Well, do you find yourself stuck? Do you find yourself encountering un-preferred experiences and people? Do you wonder why that is? Or, do you know and accept that our environment is generated from our very vibration that we hold internally and transmit daily??

So, its really up to us HOW we want to feel, right?

We can give ourselves the choice to act, or react to situations, people, or triggers with the intentional energy of our choosing… And if this is the case, then why do we get so tangled up in the confusion of what is materializing? 

If we can sort though our experiences, mental chatter, and emotional clutter, and choose to shine in any moment… why don’t we? … Well, perhaps the short answer is this : sometimes we allow our personal vibration to be a result of limited thinking, negative emotions, or the need to control everyone, and everything around us… So we are not basking in the beauty and juiciness of life, and cherishing the present moments, we are repeating unhealthy patterns that are a vibration match to the stagnation we see in our life, and thus, the cycle perpetuate. We don’t like what we see, we don’t like what we feel, we don’t like what we experience, so we hold on to that unpleasant feeling, that creates MORE of what we don’t like,and then we tell ourselves the lies from our programming, and BOOM, negative cycle created, and lower vibrational world materializes. Then we say “SEE, its always this way”.. and BOOM, again, we validate our negative thinking, and believe it is a truth, when in essence, we are simply confirming a false reality. We loose sight of our ability to create from a conscious space, and get lost in the transmission of lower vibrations brought on by that confinements of our limited belief system, and programming. 

No need for self judgment or criticism to change it either.. Just a dose of awareness, and a hefty serving of self love. 

SO then what? Right? What to do when you feel yourself repeating the same old song and dance over and over again.. .and continually being displeased in the process? INTERRUPT IT. Insert a pattern interruption, and then take back charge of knowing that you are a powerful being, that emits vibrational communications outwardly ALL OF THE TIME. 

Your personal vibration improves dramatically the more you allow your soul to take charge of your life… You FEEL the difference, and therefore automatically start rising, and then your environment begins to reflect the new vibration you are exuding, as you fully EMBODY the joy, the peace, the harmony, the happiness, or whatever it is you desire in your life. You find that you don’t really encounter those pestering people, or circumstances that were once quite prevalent on your lower vibration. Once you no longer choose life from a lower vibrational stance of harboring intentional energy of self loathing, resentment, pessimism, revenge, despair, guilt, shame, or any other lower vibrational feeling, you find that those one present daily obstacles, and terrible problems, are a thing of the past!!! You realize you can climb that vibrational ladder a rung at a time, if you need to... Just as long as your willing to take that FIRST step.

CONSTANTLY choose things that honor your soul, that honor your authentic path, and don’t waver.. when you feel yourself in a place of unease, that is your internal alarm going off, saying “HEY GET BACK ON TRACK” “THIS DOESNT ALIGN”…. and listen to your intuitive nudges on the correct course that serves you! 

So how can you stay in check?


Allow yourself to explore the beauty in each lesson as its presented throughout your day.. Is something coming up, that is giving you an opportunity to course correct? Or is something coming up that provides a deeper understanding of a facet of yourself? Or is something coming up that is allowing you to embody a new vibration in life?

Keep checking in with yourself through the day.. don’t allow your energy to get away from you, to where you find yourself at 6pm, feeling like a frazzled mess and wondering why the day went so poorly….. 


Set energy check ups on your phone, and ask yourself a few questions : 

How am I feeling? And Why? 

What can I do to raise my vibration further?

How can I bask in gratitude right now?

How can I show my appreciation right now?

How can I show myself unconditional love and support right now?

Or whatever questions work for YOU!!!! 


Its all about YOU and YOUR authenticity. Whatever feels right for YOU. Everyone’s path is different and beautiful in its own right, and the most serving decision you can make is calibrating your internal guidance system!!! 


EXPAND AND RAISE YOUR VIBRATION, and see what evidence your environment provides!!!