Empower Your Life FREE Training

Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path.

change perspective reframing May 23, 2021
perspective shift

Sometimes we can look back after the storm and see all the new opportunities that were present all along, right below the surface... it’s all part of the beautiful process we call living consciously ... 

But sometimes during this, the energy had to be shaken up or moved around to nestle back into its proper and more aligned space. So, as the dust settles, we have a broader view and can see clearly, whereas before we rustled up with our thoughts and doubts, and conditioning. 


It’s all about the perspective right?


Have you experienced something like this?

Did new light and hope emerge?

Can you think of a time that a storm actually brought sunshine ☀️ or a 🌈?

Can you embrace the notion that when the next storm is on the horizon you can be better prepared, and willing to see the beauty in the midst of the darkest hour?

I want to hear some inspirational words from each of you